יום ראשון, 25 במרץ 2018

336 Bumpers 46

רן, אלון, ודותן חוזרים אלינו לפרק 46 של באמפרס

  • רן - Carbon:Create - זהו addon  ל visual studio code או Atom המאפשר לעשות צילומי מסך מתוך ה ide
  • רן - Riff פריימוורק faas על קוברנטיס, אחד מתוך הרבה פריימוורקים דומים
  • רן - מצגת המראה בצורה ויזואלית דומה לטבלה המחזורית usage patterns לקונטיינרים
  • רן - CSS keylogging ע״י שימוש ב attribute selectors ו background image אפשר לשלוח את הקשות המקלדת (למשל סיסמא) שלכם לשרת מרוחק!
  • רן - flutter הוא פריימוורק לבניית אפליקציות נייטיב, כותבים ב Dart ומקמפלים לקוד נייטיב Android\Ios זהו פוסט הצולל ליתרונות היחסיים ופרטי המימוש של הפריימוורק
  • רן - גוגל מכריזה על Dart 2 כאשר אם בעבר לא היה ברור האם Dart היא שפת לקוח או שרת הדגש הוא ש Dart היא שפה בה האופטימיזציה היא לצד לקוח
  • רן - ספרייה די גדולה של פונקציות Lambda בשם AWS Serverless Application Repository, אפשר לקחת פונקציה ולעשות deployment פשוט לחשבון שלך, מגיע בפורמט SAM. ניתן להסתכל על זה כ App store של פונקציות, אחת הפונקציות הראשונות הזמינות שם היא hotdog detector
  •  רן - קונטיינרים ניצחו את הקרב, אבל יפסידו את המלחמה ל Serverless
  • רן - פרוייקט שלוקח את tranding repose של github ומקטלג אותם לפי שפות או טכנולוגיות ל issues, מאפשר לקבל אימייל עם עדכונים ע״י רישום ל issue הרלוונטי
  • דותן בחן לאחרונה טכנולוגיות Blockchain ע״י קריאת witepapers ומאמרים, ומשתף אותנו במאמרים שהוא חושב שעשו סוג של פיצוח:
    • מאמר שטוען שכנראה אנחנו לא באמת צריכים Blockchain
    • מאמר למי שרוצה להאמין שיש משהו ב Blockchain
    • מאמר המרכז את כל מה שמפתח צריך לדעת על פיתוח Blockchain
    • אתר שתוקף את הרעיונות מאחורי Iota
  • דותן - הגרסא האחרונה של NPM (גרסא 5.7.0) משנה הרשאות filesystem בלינוקס ומומלץ לדלג עליה
  • דותן - שוחררה גירסא 4 של webpack
  • דותן -  Russ Cox מוציא 7 מאמרים על ניהול גרסאות ב Go
  • דותן - web framework בשם yew המקמפל Rust ל wasm לשימוש ב browser
  • דותן - אתר וספר עם microservices patterns, לא כל החומר באתר נראה booletproof אבל הדיאגרמה נחמדה
  • דותן - רשימה של ספרי עומק במדעי המחשב מחולק לנושאים
  • דותן - AI שמייצר מוזיקה של פסנתר לפי פרמטרים מתורת המוזיקה
  • דותן - shell exec יצירה של shell scripts ע״י templates ב javascript
  • דותן - מאמר על Appsync ו GraphQL למי שרוצה להתחיל מאפס
  • דותן - מאמר מעמיק על GraphQL
  • דותן - מאמר על decorator ב python
  • דותן - מאמר על python 3 מול python 2 שנותן רוח גבית ל python 3
  • דותן - טיפים טריקים ל Docker עם Alpine
  • דותן - אתר המוליך אותך צעד אחרי צעד באלגוריתם הקונצנזוס Raft בצורה ויזואלית
  • דותן - רשימת קריאה עם מאמרים על scalabality
  • דותן - מאמר של Steve Yegge על הסיבות שבגללן עזב את גוגל
  • דותן - greenlet מאפשר למשתמשי Node להזיז  async function ל thread  נפרד
  • דותן - ספריית Go המממשת seam carving (שינוי גודל תמונה המודע לתוכן התמונה)
  • דותן - קורס Security בסיסי
  • דותן - מאמר המתמצת את כל מה שצריך לעשות כדי לקבל css מודרני
  • דותן - מאמר על איך ה ad blocker של chrome עובד
  • דותן - מאמר ומדריך על pix2code המייצר קוד html ו css מתמונות בעזרת deep learning
  • דותן - open cat פרוייקט חומרה פתוח ליצירת חתול רובוטי
  • אלון - ספרייה המאפשרת להגיד תודה ולראות איך אפשר לתרום למפתחים של ה dependencies בהם אתם משתמשים
  • אלון - מאמר על SQL server של Microsoft על Linux
  • אלון - הרצאה הנותנת הצצה לפיצ’רים עתידיים ב React


  • רפוזיטורי ללא קוד עם המון stars, forks ו pull requests
  • רשימה של אפשרויות לקבלת swag למפתחים
  • 2 תמונות מצחיקות מרחבי הרשת: 
הקובץ נמצא כאן, האזנה נעימה ותודה רבה לדניאל שלו על התמלול

יום ראשון, 18 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: DevTools and Headless Chrome - The Automation Power-Couple / Yonatan Mevorach

In this talk we'll see what problems we can fix (or better yet, avoid) by combining two things developers love: Chrome DevTools and automating repetitive tasks. To do this we'll use a new capability introduced in Chrome 59: running Chrome in "Headless Mode". First off we'll show the powers of each of these tools separately. We'll use DevTools to debug other platforms like node.js, and we'll use Chrome in Headless Mode to run tests, take screenshots, and to scrape sites for data. Then we'll explore how by combining the two you can have DevTools work for you around-the-clock and monitor everything about your app (amount of unused CSS, memory footprint, etc.)


יום שבת, 17 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Future of Serverless / Yoav Abrahami

In 1998, James R. callan wrote a book titled "Collaborative Computing With Delphi 3" in which he asserted that with technology, predicting the future is now possible. This is the book from which I have learned about Micro-Services Architecture, way before the buzzword became popular.
4 years ago, we made another prediction in the serverless space. Given recent events and the fulfilment of this prediction, Wix is taking the risk of predicting the future of serverless computing and where it should be 4 years from now.


יום שישי, 16 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: It ain't necessarily so! / Victor Bronstein

Every time we start implementing a system we do it in a certain way that seems most natural to us. We create domain objects and build layers of code that work with them. Why do we choose this way? Does it really serve us in large enterprise systems? Are there better ways? How should we decide? Let’s forget our prejudices and rethink the basic assumptions!


יום חמישי, 15 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Build a High-Performance Microservices Architecture with NATS.io & Golang / Uri Shamay

There are many criteria to consider when building your microservices architecture for scale and performance. The two major ones are programming language and inter-service communication.These decisions dramatically influence the scalability of the system. For our inter-service communication we chose NATS.io, an open-source, cloud-native messaging system for distributed systems; and Golang as the programming language. NATS.io is a highly performant Publish/Subscribe system which has a simple model that leverages both synchronous and asynchronous communication. Golang has a simple yet strong concurrency model, which helps building highly scalable systems fast without compromising simplicity.


יום רביעי, 14 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Reactive Brain Waves / Uri Shaked

Our brain is a fascinating machine. Thanks to recent advancements in EEG technology, we are finally able to begin interfacing with it and build "thought-controlled" interfaces. In this talk, we are going to experiment in connecting our brains to an Angular app, using an affordable consumer EEG headset and Web Bluetooth, and then use RxJS to process the brain signals and feed them as events to our components. This gives a whole new meaning to the term "Smart Component", in a mind bending way.


יום שלישי, 13 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Look at My Slides! / Uri Nativ

Slide Design Hacks for non-Designers.
This presentation is a cheat-sheet on how to hack your slide design. You don’t need to be a designer (I’m not). You just need to understand some basic concepts in slide design.
No special tools. If I can do it, everyone can.


יום שני, 12 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: An Abridged Guide to Event Sourcing / Tomer Gabel

Although event sourcing (and its sister pattern CQRS) has been gaining traction in recent years, it's still baffling for many engineers attempting to implement it for the first time. While there's plenty of material on the subject, most of it is too basic or theoretical for practical applications, and engineers often end up having to reinvent suitable approaches and techniques. This talk focuses on practical aspects of event-sourced systems, lessons learned from our experience building such systems at Wix. We'll walk through the design and implementation of a simple event-sourced system, covering the event model, underlying persistence model, code layering and operational considerations.


יום שבת, 10 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Orchestrator: MySQL high availability and management / Shlomi Noach

Orchestrator provides high availability for dynamic MySQL environments. Differentiating itself from other HA solutions it analyzes failures and runs recoveries based on state of topologies, rather than assumed configuration. It provides web API allowing for task automation, slick web UI, and is highly available.
This session will introduce key features and concepts and a quick live demo.
Orchestrator was brewed in Israel, and developed and used at Outbrain, Booking.com and now GitHub. Users of orchestrator include Google/Vitess, Square, Wix, Sendgrid, Etsy, RentalCars and more.


יום שישי, 9 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Open Source Maintainership: musing and ranting / Shlomi Noach

Eternal glorious fame aside, what do the life of an open source maintainer truly look like? This talk will expose some often overlooked aspects of being a maintainer, from what drives sleep away, through the Chinese Exposure and down to the Rise of the Machines. And while this talk is titled "musing and ranting" it will be mostly about ranting. And the Rise of the Machines.


יום חמישי, 8 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Smart replies, dumb people / Shira Weinberg

Smart reply suggestions have recently become available in services and products – from smart mobile keyboards on iOS and Android to reply features included in Gmail, Allo, Linkedin and Cortana in Skype. As we, the users, become more lazy, and these features become more common – how will our behavior be affected? In this session I’ll explain what drives this evolution and why is it happening now, review some top products who incorporated smart reply features, and discuss the future directions – what are the next steps of this evolution? Are we going to lose our personal touch in online communication and become communication robots?


יום רביעי, 7 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Do we need yet another web framework / Shimi Bar

Instead of having a hole bound solution of existing frameworks, like Angular, Ember etc. - let's try to create an app that stands out from the landscape of libraries and frameworks by doing things our way: a simple, predictable state model, side effect manager, asynchronous event handler with an emphasis on functional programming and immutable data. We'll go through all the steps of assembling view libraries together with global state manager through configuration files on separated directories with a micro services pattern, that will allow us to dynamically change view libraries or selected views without refactoring our legacy project.


יום שלישי, 6 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Digital Culture/Clutter / Sheizaf Rafaeli

Everything is increasingly immersed in the digital. Atoms are being replaced by bits. The interpersonal is morphing into something else, more virtual and less organic. This talk is about the cultural, psychological, economic and sociological implications of these developments. Rather than falling into either utopian or dystopian traps, we will attempt a dispassionate analysis of what is happening. What gets lost in the exchange for the gains of the digital? What do we gain in return?
We will ask the questions surrounding the Death(?) of Privacy, Distance, Center, Time, Tangibility, Books, Classroom, Truth, Conversation, Promise, Choice, Memory and perhaps even the Death of Death itself.
Science Fiction, Film, Art, Engineering and the Halls of Science are engaging with these questions. They can be morbid (Death?) or promising (Birth?). In this talk we will lay down the parameters and perimeters of the issues involved.


יום שני, 5 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: With great data comes great responsibility... / Shay Palachy

Today, numerous datasets, and code meant to generate them, are available for every enthusiastic developer and researcher to explore. Those datasets, however, can also be used for less-than-honest ends by companies and organizations. Unfortunately, only a few licences deal with licensing of open data, and none of them provide an adequate answer to this challenge. The ODsL project is meant to engage the data science and open source communities - in Israel and worldwide - in a discussion and joint effort to both build a set of open data licences suitable for the current and future challenges of a data-driven world and to encourage their use in academia, industry and government.


יום ראשון, 4 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: A little trust goes a long way... / Shay Palachy

Credit networks are a type of decentralized payment infrastructure with no central currency, but where nodes extend each other various amounts of credit, using IOUs whose value depend on the trust between the transacting nodes. An independent and anonymity-preserving alternative to traditional payment systems in theory, actual implementations of credit networks so far have relinquished anonymity, and sometimes also decentralization, in order to overcome the risk of Sybil attacks. We suggest a possible implementation of credit networks that combines a fuzzy notion of anonymity and trust with a decentralized and localized system to achieve resistance to Sybil attacks.


יום שבת, 3 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: The Performance Investigator's Field Guide / Sasha Goldshtein

After hundreds of performance investigations, some patterns begin to emerge. You could save a lot of time here, or find the root cause more easily there. In this talk, you'll see what I learned from years of performance work in the field, which processes and tools work, and what I think can still be improved. First, we'll talk about anti-methods for performance investigations and the USE checklist. Then, we'll talk about ideal performance investigation tools and which tools can satisfy these needs today. We'll conclude with some mistakes you can make when working with statistics and reports. I'll take you on a tour of a couple of my most challenging performance investigations.


יום שישי, 2 במרץ 2018

Summit 2017: Fundraising red flags: what (Israeli) startups keep failing at ... / Royi Benyossef

After 2 years, 800 meetings with startups (seriously I counted) and a lot of casual conversations with other investment professionals I came to realise that there are recurring red flags that are unique to the situations in which Israeli startups interact with international VCs and are almost certainly not known to most Israeli entrepreneurs. This is not a session about "Israeli aggressiveness Vs. American manners" or the "israeli super technological with no business and marketing" but more a session that explains key differences in the ecosystems and how startups could be perceived negatively due to something that is both explainable and acceptable in Israel.