יום רביעי, 29 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: Batyam - a simple, stronger, collaborative dashboard / Sella Rafaeli

Alongside company (and data) growth at Fiverr we were having a hard time making sure everyone had access to data and insights from all of our databases (internal multiple and separate instances of MySQL, Postgres, Mongo, Redis, CouchBase, Impala, etc) and external data sources (e.g. Google Analytics, New Relic, etc).

So we built an internal tool to enable creation, sharing, running and visualisation of queries over any data source. Now every 'user' (company employee) can run their queries ('How many new users have joined in past 24 hours?', 'What percentage of buyers are from US?', 'Which security question is most popular?'), and any employee can browse others' queries (as well as view their results, in the browser). You only need to know the business question you are interested in, in order to view its data.

App is SPA (in browser) and query-browsing UX is similar to SublimeText browsing - you can browse by folder or by fuzzy-search autocompletion of name/desc of query, which enables very easy orientation. Queries are mostly business-oriented, with the end goal of making sure our employees are as knowledgable as possible about "what's going on" in the company analytics - a growing problem as we scale in terms of business complexity.

The project was naturally made by Israelis (us) and for Israelis (well, us). :)


Summit 2015: Putting your local Israeli Open Source community on the international map / Miriam Schwab

The local Israeli Open Source communities are very strong, and can be stronger and contribute more if we connect and cooperate with communities elsewhere. I have been working on integrating our local WordPress community with the extended communities for a number of years now, and in this talk I'll give some tips on making this happen for other groups.


Summit 2015: Build a big data dashboard with Ember.js / Shai Alon

Considering migrating your app from Backbone / Angular / Other legacy?

Building interactive dashboards requires state of the art front end application architecture.
This talk unveils a new open source project https://github.com/shaialon/ember-admin-dashboards that will allow you to build your next dashboard rapidly and serve as a starting point for your new application.

The project core uses Ember.js - the leading front end framework for building large scale single page applications (http://builtwithember.io/), together with AdminLTE - the leading admin template on Github. Deployment and asset management are also handled end to end with Heroku and Ember CLI.

The example dashboard uses Twitter's streaming data and includes maps, charts, and drill-down features - using Ember's components ("roughly equivalent to an E restricted, transcluded, isolate-scoped directive in Angular").

Don't forget to star and fork one for your own!


Summit 2015: Same Problems, Different Actors: Symmetry in the Content Discovery Marketplace / Ronny Lempel

Content discovery services (CDS) serve content recommendations to users on publisher sites. Some of those recommendations showcase the publisher's own content, while other recommendations are sponsored by content promoters, who pay the service - and by proxy, the publisher - when users choose to consume their content.

This business model puts the CDS at the center of the triangle consisting of end users, publishers and buyers. Those parties' interests are not aligned, and are sometimes at odds with each other. Despite these differences, many of the underlying optimization problems have similar structure.

This talk will examine the content discovery marketplace from the viewpoints of the different actors, and will show how different business problems boil down to similar computational challenges.


Summit 2015: Technical leadership - more impact in less time! / Gili Nachum

Are you a technical leader in your org, or aspire to be one?
You're packed with great ideas but have no time or people to implement them?
Everyone faces the same condition, yet good leaders manage to do it, I'll share my methodology in 5min or less.


Summit 2015: JVM Garbage Collection logs, you do not want to ignore them! / Haim Yadid

Developing your application in Java or in one of the other JVM languages such as Scala, Clojure, Groovy or JRuby?
Basing your infrastructure on a JVM based third party service such as Spark,Cassandra,Storm, Kafka, Elastic Search, Finagle etc?
If the answer to one of the questions is yes you should configure and monitor the JVM Garbage collection logs. Failing to do so may expose you to scalability and latency issues that won't even make sense unless you are aware of the behavior (or misbehavior) of your garbage collector.
In this ignite talk we will briefly learn how to configure the logs and how to interpret them.


Summit 2015: Developers like winning: use gamification to promote code reviews / Tzach Zohar

How to promote helpful code reviews by gamifying the code review process, using the open-sourced github-comment-counter: https://github.com/tzachz/github-comment-counter. Research shows that you can drive people to act by awarding them with points, no matter how meaningless these points are. At Kenshoo, we rank our reviewers and present the leaderboard for all to see, which incurred a ~130% bump in number of code review comments.


יום שלישי, 28 באפריל 2015

258 TCE Conference

הכנס החמישי של המרכז להנדסת מחשבים בנושא Scalable Reliable Systems ייערך בטכניון, בתאריכים 1-2 ביוני

מידע נוסף באתר הכנס

להרשמה: http://www.reg.co.il/tce2015/

עלות ההרשמה למקדימים 220 ש״ח ליומיים מלאים של הרצאות מרתקות, ולהנחה למאזינים אפשר לפנות לרות בונה. תגידו שרן שלח אתכם ;-) tce@technion.ac.il

אנחנו משוחחים עם פרופסור ערן יהב מהטכניון, אחד מראשי הכנס. ערן הרצה בכנס רברסים בחודש שעבר, שנערך גם בטכניון בחסות המרכז להנדסת מחשבים וניתן לשמוע את ההרצאה שלו שדברה על הדרך להפיק מידע מכמויות גדולות של קוד. ערן עוסק בתחומים של ניתוח וסינתזה של תוכנה וחוקר על היכולת להסיק דברים על תוכנה באופן סטטי, כלומר בלי להריץ את הקוד.

המרכז להנדסת מחשבים הוא מרכז מחקר יישומי משותף לפקולטות להנדסת חשמל ומדעי המחשב בטכניון, שותפות בו חברות רבות וחברי סגל משתי הפקולטות. המרכז מקדם מחקר מעשי ויישומי ומאפשר דיאלוג שוטף בין התעשייה לאקדמיה בנושאים מחקריים המעניינים את שני הצדדים.

בין היתר עוסק המרכז בהפצת ידע ועורך כנסים רבים, בגולת הכותרת היא הכנס השנתי, שייערך השנה כאמור ב 1-2 ביוני.

הכנס עוסק בנושאים מחקריים ומעשיים וכמעט כל מרצה שידבר בכנס שותף במיזם תעשייתי כלשהו. למשל מרטין אודרסקי שמגיע מ EPFL בשוויץ המפורסם וידוע כאבי שפת התכנות Scala, שפה המאפשרת פיתוח סקלבילי- צוות גדול יכול לעבוד על קוד מרכזי הזכות מערכת הטיפוסים המשוכללת שלה.
פרופסור אודרסקי ידבר על הקשר בין קומפיילרים למסדי נתונים – בקומפיילר מצטבר ידע רב על התוכנית ולמעשה יידע זה איננו מנוצל בשום מקום – אנחנו נשמע רעיונות על מה ניתן לעשות ביידע.

כמו כן ידבר בכנס Rob O’Callahan שמגיע אלינו כל הדרך מניו זילנד וידבר על שיטות טסטינג לתוכנה במובן המאוד מעשי – שמשמשות לדבג את Firefox

Patrice Godefroid מגיע ממעבדות המחקר של מיקרוסופט וידבר על White box fuzzing, המערכת שימשה למציאת שליש מהבגים בסקיוריטי של Windows 7
במיקרוסופט עובדת מערכת ובה ענן שלם של מערכות טסטינג כך שנדון גם בחיים בענן.

באופן כללי, מרצים בכנס מגיעים מחול, מאוניברסיטאות בארץ ומהתעשייה, הכנס יהיה מרתק!

הקובץ נמצא כאן, האזנה נעימה ותודה רבה לרות על התמלול

יום שני, 27 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: Y’all don't know how to interview developers! / Ori Hoch

From my experience (on both sides of the hiring process) a lot of people really don't know how to hire developers and I was happy to find out that it's not only my personal experience. It seems there is a shift in the industry which is backed by some articles and blog posts from leading people.

In this talk I will share some of my personal experience and anecdotes but will also back it up with some serious arguments


Summit 2015: Captain's Log - Applying Kaizen & Scrum to become a ninja developer / Asaf Mesika

In this 5 minutes lightning talk I will try to explain how I managed to transform my self from a good to a ninja developer using a system I developed called "The Captain's Log".

Each and every one of us has amazing skills and qualities together with some serious pitfalls. Those downsides can make the difference between a mediocre and an outstanding developer. Recognizing what they are is the first step, while the crucial step is overcoming them. Doing that requires a system that you can sustain for years aimed at personal improvement ultimately affecting your career.

The Captain's Log is system that staples a Daily log of your activities much like you see in Star Trek (Captain Picard) but in a Google Doc, and the routines of Scrum: Planning & retrospective on a weekly, quartely and yearly basis.

It's simple yet ultra effective. I've been using this system for 3 years and it did wonders to my professionalism, which why I want to spread the word.


Summit 2015: Distribution First / Lital Hassine

You have a solid product, you have a team with a proven record to deliver products in high quality and on time - it did that in the alpha and beta phases. Now the big challenge is distribution - How to get millions of users?

This is where we stand today at JoyTunes and we would like to share our "exploration era" guidelines that we established to crack distribution and some of our findings along the way.
  • What experiments we run on our customers?
  • How we build minimal products/features to disqualify our assumptions?
  • What surprising things we learned about our users?


Summit 2015: HTTP 2.0 in 5 minutes / Ben Maraney

HTTP/2 just got approved and browser support is coming fast.

Learn why HTTP/1.1 made the web slow and hacky, how HTTP/2 fixes it and what it means for web developers.


Summit 2015: A newcomer's view of the Israeli Video Games industry / Oded Magger

Yes, there IS such a thing as the Israeli games industry!
As a kid, I dreamt of developing computer games. This dream came true almost by incidence when I stumbled upon my current job, and realized there's a bustling community of Israeli game developers.
I will share with my impressions of this flourishing local industry as a newcomer, and offer a few tips for anyone who wishes to make games for a living.


Summit 2015: Loop into the Javascript Event Loop / Yonatan M

This short talk will explain how javascript handles being both single-threaded and non-blocking. We'll demystify the "Event Loop" and how concurrency works in javascript. If a coworker ever helped you solve a bug by wrapping a function with a setTimeout(myFunc, 0) and you felt cheated, this talk is definitely for you.


Summit 2015: Superpowers of software development / Yoav Rubin

Not all skills are created equal, while some are baseline (such as the ability to develop) there are other skills that act as force multipliers. Developers who master these skills can produce better software in a fraction of the time standard developers can.
In this talk I'll go over some of these skills and present how mastering them can make you a developer with superpowers.


Summit 2015: Artificial Intelligence - Is anyone building the terminator yet? / Hagai Levin

Popular culture and sci-fi have introduced us to some pretty cool artificially intelligent characters. But how far are they from reality?
In the last years many advances have been made in the field of artificial intelligence. What has been done so far? What does the future hold? And how scared should we be of meeting a real-life Terminator on the street?

I'd like to give you a glimpse at the answers to these questions. You might be surprised by what you hear and see...


257 MindCET

רן ואורי מארחים את אבי ורשבסקי מחברת MindCET.
חברת MindCET מקדמת סטראפים טכנולוגים בתחום החינוך.

MindCET מקדמת פריצות דרך, על פני שיטות שהם מגבר של העולם הישן.
המשתתפים מרוויחים גישה אל ציבור היעד, התלמידים והמורים.
קרנות הון סיכון והשקעות אחרות בתחומי הטכנולוגיה החינוכית.
ואם תקשיבו תגלו, למה כדאי להקים חברת הייטק בירוחם?

MindCET פותחים את המחזור הבא. בואו והצטרפו.

הקובץ נמצא כאן, האזנה נעימה ותודה רבה ליוסי על התמלול

יום שבת, 25 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: Putting the 'D' in TDD / Shai Yallin

What is software design? How does it relate to writing code? many of us are using agile methodologies nowadays, but how can we reconcile these with the concept of software design as we currently know it?

In this talk, I will share with the audience my personal journey with Test-Driven Development (and Design) over the last 4 years, a journey that started with me assuming that I know what TDD is and how one should write tests and over time has repeatedly proved me wrong, making me more humble and open to new ideas - and by way of that, helped me become a better engineer.

This is not a talk about code. It's about adopting a Zen-like approach to software design, using TDD as our guide.


Summit 2015: Scaling up your R&D group / Avi Wortzel

Dealing with multiple teams in a product development organization is always a challenge.

I would like to share with you a live case study about how we switched from a traditional R&D structure into a small product oriented start-up’s teams.
These are some of the challenges we had to deal with:
How to brake a single product development team into small pieces while keeping autonomy and productivity?
How to use technical guilds to maintain a high technical level, personal development and collaboration between the “distributed” development team?
How to create a culture, based on developer accountability even without a direct manager around?
How to maintain high developers utilization in a small heterogenous feature team (iOS, Android, Web, Infrastructure)?
How we use release trains model for lean development in cross mobile platforms world and, what is our strategy for continuous delivery implementation.

I invite you to hear our personal experience about growing from a small start-up, to a middle size development organization. I invite you to hear how we maintained our developer happiness, start-up culture, productivity and giving each team members the ability to affect the product development (in both product and technical aspects).


Summit 2015: Magneto - taking our Automated Testing to the next level / Ran Ben Aharon

Committing to Continuous Delivery at EverythingMe meant that we had step our game up when it comes to version quality visibility.

Our existing solution simply didn't cut it, so we created MAGNETO - "Command your Droids - an open source Android Test Automation framework focusing on speed, ease and visibility.

In this talk I'll elaborate on how this awesome tool came to be, what's so special about it and of course lots of demos.


Summit 2015: Consul - much more than a Service Discovery Tool / Alon Becker

In a conversation with Chef and Puppet practitioners in the company I heard the same complaint over and over again. Configuration Management is sooo much better than manually configuring servers, but it is painful because all the configuration points that you still need to manage. Enter Service Discovery, a way to connect our different services together with no configuration. Service Discovery is great, but Consul is service discovery and much much more. It solves some of our orchestration issues and does configuration management as well. It is a key value store and a DNS server and its killer feature is Consul Events and Consul Templates.

I want to explain our Consul use cases, what it can do and where we are going with it. It is not one tool to rule them all, but it is a critical piece of our new infrastructure.


Summit 2015: Continious Deployment with Docker / Ariel Moskovich

  • Deployment workflow: From SCM to production in an heartbeat without loosing any heartbeats.
  • Managing image versions: Deploying & Reverting Fast.
  • Using Docker API
  • How Docker can crash your production and how to avoid that.
  • Configuration management and docker
  • Where to use Marathon/Mesos and where not.
  • Useful scripts for collecting metrics and view logs without accessing the containers.


Summit 2015: Power Trip with a Power Drill - Monitoring distributed systems with Riemann / Itai Frenkel

Forter has been using Riemann for almost a year in production to monitor our highly complex distributed system. We are using Riemann as our hub for alerts(Pager Duty), latency and exception reporting(Kibana) , continuous integration and system probes (GitHub). This presentation will cover Riemann patterns for maintenance-mode, state machine based alerts, statistical alerts, system and integration tests based alerts, event enrichment and aggregation for reporting, integration with GitHub status API. Learn how Riemann's unique architecture can scale linearly to handle high event throughput. Ohh yeah, there's going to be Clojure, lots of it.


יום שישי, 24 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: How to Create a Native-Like experience in the Mobile Web / Amit Zur

Developing for mobile web is nothing like developing for desktop. The browser is slower, the mouse and keyboard interface switched to touch, and the usage profile is different - launch quickly, ditch even quicker. In order to get to a native-like experience, developers need to have a deeper understanding of the browser, know the limitations, and get acquainted with new ways to do things that were traditionally coded in a much more tolerant environment. Animations, caching, forms, data, design, scrolling, event handling, etc. - all these have to be treated differently. I will share my findings from several years exploration of trying to get to that native-like promised land on the small form factor. The presentation will encompass several HTML5 and CSS3 features overview, live HTML examples of animation profiling, and a bit of tooling tips.


Summit 2015: Isomorphic Javascript - The Next Big Thing in Web Development / Elad Levy

We all love developing single page web apps, it's fast, snappy, cool, and makes us (developers) happy. Most of the logic lives in the client, and it doesn't need to refresh the page to fetch new data. That's all great but it's comes with lots of flaws like poor SEO, long first page load time and code logic duplication between client and server.
What if we could just take the pros from both single page app and a traditional server web app and build a true solution for web apps? Isomorphic javascript is the answer!
Imagine you can share your view logic between client and server, they both will be able handle routing and rendering pages. This is now possible using Node.js platform.
In this talk we'll explore the new world of isomorphic javascript, what does it mean and how you can jump on the bandwagon.


Summit 2015: Should you move from Objective-C to Swift? / Yoni Tsafir

Swift is a shiny new language for iOS development, introduced during WWDC 2014 (June).
We'll try to answer the following questions about Swift:

  • Is Swift production ready?
  • What is the current state of Swift and its development tools?
  • Should you learn Swift or Objective-C if you have no background in iOS development?
  • Should you write your next iOS app in swift if you already know Objective-C?
  • I have an existing app with an existing Objective-C codebase. Should I:
  • Port it entirely to Swift?
  • Write new classes in Swift and keep maintaining Objective-C code as is?
  • Keep developing it in Objective-C?
  • What are some general pros & cons of Objective-C vs. Swift?
  • And more...


Summit 2015: The ugly truth: 11 ways to learn what users really think about your product / Iris Shoor

Whether you own a small GitHub project or a part of a well-known application, understanding what people REALLY think about your product is critical. "Talk with your users!” and "Track what they do!" are two of the most common pieces of advice you’ll hear. The problem is that the users you can track or talk to are far and away those that use and like the product. To get a complete view of your product, you need to be able to answer questions like: Why did users leave your product? What do users miss? And how can you bring users back? In this talk, we'll be discussing the following topics:

  • How to get ALL users to answer your emails 
  • How to identify the critical moments when users are about to leave and bring them back 
  • Which wording to use to get honest feedback 
  • The important stats you're not using today 
  • The one question that helped us understand our users' needs

Summit 2015: Developing a public API / Yonatan Maman

Having a public API is a common approach when companies want to make the shift from being a solution and become a platform. In the last year, while developing Outbrain's Amplify public API, we had dilemmas, we faced challenges and learned valuable lessons. In this session I will share what we have learned in term of development, execution and management of a public API, and will talk about things like:

  • How to build the development team, and how to set its objectives. 
  • Why it is important that the business guys your work with will know what is API ? 
  • Why developing public API is different in term of the involvement of the developers in the business decisions, settings the priorities and meeting the users ? 
  • Which versioning approach to take ? 
  • What you should know, and do before launching public API ? 
  • Documentation 
  • Testing - Automatic, manual 
  • Monitoring 
  • "This is not a pure RESTFul" is it a valid argument ? 
  • How to maintain the internal API together with the public API ? 
  • How to within the organization the importance of the API ? 
  • The importance of "eating your own dog food" 


יום חמישי, 23 באפריל 2015

256 Bumpers 22

מה קורה לפרטי פרטים כאשר משתמש מקליד את הכתובת של גוגל בדפדפן פרוט ברמה של כל מה שמתרחש החל מהקלדה על המקלדת ועד לקריאות של מערכת ההפעלה 
איך לכתוב API SPEC. מהם הכלים הפופלרים ליצירת API
Ask HN: What's the best way to write an API spec 
הוספת תמיכה בPUB SUB כדומה למה שקיים בשרותי הענן של אמזון.
שימושי עבור DATA STREAM למשל
איסוף LOGS אם אינטגרציה BIGQUERY. על פניו נראה יותר טוב מהשרות של אמזון
מימוש של מערכת Cron. הסברים איזה אתגרים נתקלו בהם כשבאו לממש Cron ברמה של DataCenter. באילו מערכות הם תלויים כולל הסברים של התהליך ועוד
מימוש Storage במו Glisher של אמזון אבל אמור להיות הרבה יותר מהיר והרבה יותר זול מהשרות של אמזון
הרחבה של כרום להריץ קוד של ES6 בDevTools
קונספטים איך לייצר אייקונים בכל מיני צורות לקבלת רעיונות מעניינים למעצבים
כאשר משתמשים בconsole.log בJS מאבדים את השורה האמיתי שהlog הודפס בו. הסבר איך להדפיס את השורה המקוריםת לConsole
מאמר ארוך שמתאר את הטעויות הנפוצות שמפתחים עושים בHTML וCSS. מסתבר שהטעות הכי נפוצה היא Typo
גוגל הודיעו שהם החליטו לא לאמץ את DART בכרום
Font שכולו כתוב בCSS. מאפשר את כל הגמישות של CSS במקום בFONT. כולל אפקטים נחמדים באתר. אפקטים יפים ישנם על האות W ועל האות S. הבעיה היא עם קוראי מסך - איך הם יקראו את האותיות. יש לדאוג להוספת תגיות מתאימות לקוראי מסך
רשימה על מה שקורא עם REACT ואיפה זה עומד ומה קורה בנושאי פיתוח
מעין ספר הדרכה חינמי לREACT
35:10 - Radium/react
REACT STYLE/ בREACT הסטייל הוא לא CSS אלא JS. מדריך מפורט על איך להשתמש בזה בREACT. המטרה היתה לתחזוקה יותר קלה ובפועל זה קצת יותר מסובך למשל - איך להכניס תמונות בקוד JS ולא בCSS.
הספרייה דומה לעבודה כמו עבודה עם Compass - למשל הגדרות משתנים וצבעים בפורמטים שונים. הגדרת משתנים למשל היא ישרות בJS היות וכל הקוד הוא למעשה JS
A Sysadmin's Unixersal Translator (ROSETTA STONE) OR What do they call that in this world?.
טבלה שממפה פקודות שונות בUNIX. מיפוי של פקודות בחלוקה למערכות הפעלה שונות
44:35 - Facebook/fresco
ספריית תמונות לאנדרואיד עם ניהול זכרון מתקדם כולל התאמות לגירסאות אנדרואיד ישנות כגון 2.3X
46:10 - Go Terminal UI
ספרייה מקבילה לספריה contrib-blessed של ירון נווה
Primer is the CSS toolkit that powers GitHub's front-end design. It's purposefully limited to common components to provide our developers with the most flexibility, and to keep GitHub uniquely GitHubby. It's built with SCSS and available via Bower, so it's easy to include all or part of it within your own project.
48:36 - AMZ cloud drive
אמזון מוציאה שרות מתחרה לDropBoxו GoogleDrive במחיר של 60$ לשנה ללא הגבלת נפח. ישנם גם מחירים וחבילות יותר זולות

הקובץ נמצא כאן האזנה נעימה ותודה רבה לניר גייר על התמלול

יום שישי, 17 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: Confessions of a Java developer that fell in love with the Groovy language / Victor Trakhtenberg

After many years of Java development on various projects as a developer or architect and leading other Java developers, I felt that we can do better; we, Java developers, can be more productive. We can achieve more with less ceremonies. We can get things done with less code. And then I met Groovy. It was not a love at first sight: "Hey, no type declarations? No return statement? No.... ". But then I realized: Under the hood, it is still the same old JVM, the syntax is just different. I can progress at my own pace: Java code is already Groovy code, I can learn feature by feature and then use it at my convenience. That is what I did. For the first few months my Groovy code was almost a Java code, but as I conquered another feature and another feature I got it: Groovy is not only improved Java, there are many new concepts that I was not aware of them before: dynamic language, closures , functional programming, meta programming and much more. Thanks to Groovy I became a better developer. Thanks to Groovy I learnt new concepts and now I am not afraid of any new programming language (I already did my first steps with Scala). Come and hear my ode to Groovy. In this talk I will share my view on why every Java developer must know Groovy. Groovy may not replace Java in your organization, but it will definitely enrich your professional capabilities and make you a better and more productive developer. And yes, I will talk about recent 'Groovy/Grails funding announcement' that created a lot of buzz recently, you definitely want to hear what I have to say about it!



יום חמישי, 16 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: Microservices and Event-Driven-Architecture with Clojure and Kafka / Nir Rubinstein

A talk presenting how we modeled and designed our services in AppsFlyer: How Micorservices work for us, how we deal with deployment, service discovery, SOC, storage etc. How the data that is sent to AppsFlyer is modeled as a stream of events which is delivered over Kafka and how using Kafka allows us to easily deploy new services, keeps us resilient and even helps us test our code. How using Clojure changed how we reason about code and data and actually changed the way we develop and deploy services



Summit 2015: Reactive by Example / Eran Harel

A cool story about the evolution of our monitoring infrastructure. From the naive approach to a super resilient system. How do we manage to handle 4M metrics / minute, and over 1K concurrent connections? What strategies did we try to apply and where did it fail? What are the techniques and technologies we use in order to achieve this? How do we handle errors, and failures at this scale? What can we still improve?



Summit 2015: Scaling with microservices archiretcure and multi-cloud platrofms / Aviran Mordo

In 6 years, Wix grew from a small startup with traditional system architecture (based on a monolithic server running on Tomcat, Hibernate, and MySQL) to a company that serves 60 million users. To keep up with this tremendous growth, Wix’s architecture had to evolve from a monolithic system to microservices, using some interesting patterns like CQRS to achieve our goal of building a blazing fast highly scalable and highly available system.



Summit 2015: Storm in under a second / Re'em Bensimhon

Storm is an obvious choice for high-throughput processing but it's a little out of its territory when you also need to maintain low latency. It doesn't have to be that way, though. We at Forter devised a few components and practices to help us build scalable high-throughput and low-latency storm topologies for our real-time fraud detection system. We'd like to share some of the lessons we learned and our ways of handling the issues. From low-latency join bolts to "escape-routes" for sub-topologies, in this talk we'll reveal all the nitty gritty of how we keep our pipeline processing under one second while maintaining data integrity, robust monitoring and code simplicity.



Summit 2015: Experimenting on Humans - Advanced A/B Testing / Talya Gendler

How do you know what 60 millions users like? Wix.com is conducting hundreds of experiments per month on production to understand which features our users like and which hurt or improve our business. In this talk we’ll explain how our engineering team is supporting our product managers in making the right decisions and getting our product road map on the right path. We will also present some of the open source tools we developed that help us experimenting our products on humans.



יום שלישי, 14 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: 5 Bullets to Scala Adoption / Tomer Gabel

So you've heard of this newfangled "Scala" thing and think it might be worth checking out. Good for you! Unfortunately, it's also daunting. Your first search for Scala is likely to pitch it as a "statically-typed hybrid object-oriented and functional language", which is technically true but doesn't really help much. Instead, this talk will provide an overview of the language, focusing on five highly practical advantages Scala has over Java without a brain hemorrhage-inducing paradigm shift, followed by some tips and recommendations on Scala adoption in the real world and (as time allows) open-ended Q&A.



Summit 2015: Interactive Deep Analytics Dashboard / Yaniv Shalev

There are many BI systems. What's different and challenging about dashboard in particular is the combination of simplicity and actionability which makes building and optimization of an interactive dashboard a damn hard problem. Come and learn more about real life techniques of how to build a big data interactive dashboard.



Summi2015: Programming with Millions of Examples / Eran Yahav

The vast amount of code available on the web is increasing on a daily basis. Open-source hosting sites such as GitHub contain billions of lines of code. Community question-answering sites provide millions of code snippets with corresponding text and metadata. The amount of code available in executable binaries is even greater. In this talk, I will cover recent research trends on leveraging such "big code" for program analysis, program synthesis and reverse engineering. Along the way, we will consider a range of semantic representations based on symbolic automata, tracelets and numerical abstractions as well as different notions of code similarity based on these representations. Finally, I will show applications of these techniques including semantic code search in both source code and stripped binaries, code completion and reverse engineering.



255 Fogcast 18 - Windows Deployment

כוסות עבור הערות - והשבוע אור אלימלך זוכה ומקבל את המאג.
אור הזכיר את הכלי Terraform - כלי לקונפיגורציה ודפלוימנט "בין ענני", גם אמזון וגם אחרים.

איתי עובד בחברת Sarine ובא אלינו לדבר על הפצה - דפלוימנט בעולם של Windows.

  • Release Management כלי הפצה של מיקרוסופט בתוך סביבת Visual-Studio.
  • איתי הזכיר את ההפצה Beanstalk
  • הפצה של סביבת הרצה כולל מערכת הפעלה לעומת תוכנה בלבד.
  • יתרונות וחסרונות להפצה מלאה בכל פעם.
  • עדכוני מערכת הפעלה, עדכניות ובדיקות.
  • השלב הבא VNext
  • ווינדוס מעל אמזון
  • מה עם Docker?

הקובץ נמצא כאן, האזנה נעימה ותודה רבה ליוסי על התמלול

יום שבת, 11 באפריל 2015

Summi2015: Refactoring of Legacy Code / Avi Etzioni

In this talk I'll take a piece of code that holds common code-smells that usually can be seen in legacy code and I'll show how to systematically refactor it using TDD.
This talk should help removing the fears that usually accompany developers when need to touch legacy code by presenting a hands on gradual improvement, backed up by tests.

The example case will be using Java but the concepts are not specific to Java and could be applied with any programming language.


Summi2015: Two engineers are walking into a Stand-up Comedy Club / Nir Katz

I equally love computer engineering and stand-up comedy. So in this lecture I'm first going give a brief overview of stand-up comedy (in America): history, types and what are the traits of the great stand-up comedians. Following this overview I'm going to show 3 stand-up comedians who used to be engineers and how to managed to connect to the "regular" audience. The presentation will include about 20 minutes of videos (in English), the talk is in Hebrew.