יום שישי, 24 באפריל 2015

Summit 2015: How to Create a Native-Like experience in the Mobile Web / Amit Zur

Developing for mobile web is nothing like developing for desktop. The browser is slower, the mouse and keyboard interface switched to touch, and the usage profile is different - launch quickly, ditch even quicker. In order to get to a native-like experience, developers need to have a deeper understanding of the browser, know the limitations, and get acquainted with new ways to do things that were traditionally coded in a much more tolerant environment. Animations, caching, forms, data, design, scrolling, event handling, etc. - all these have to be treated differently. I will share my findings from several years exploration of trying to get to that native-like promised land on the small form factor. The presentation will encompass several HTML5 and CSS3 features overview, live HTML examples of animation profiling, and a bit of tooling tips.


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